Read the news from a different angle
Our principle is to respect and protect our readers’ interests and to be faithful to their expectations while upholding the highest standards of journalistic integrity in our treatment of our interviewees and the subjects of our articles. We shall try to serve our readers not with the quantity but the quality of information. Our sources will be protected, and we will …

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Art and Culture

In addition to running articles on culture and the arts, we sell masks, sculptures, DVDs, drawing...

Beauty and Health

The Bridge Magazine not only publishes articles on the subject of health and beauty, but also off...

Love and Relationships

We break all the taboos and open the door to the subject of sex and relationships by covering top...

Urban Legend

We write stories, told as true or plausible enough to be believed, related to horrific, embarrass...

Travel Story

The world may have gone digital, but our travel stories will still help you to bridge global cult...

Beauty and Health, Featured »

[ 20 Apr 2024 | No Comment | 1,022 views]
As a follow up and update of The Bridge Magazine’s 12th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution The Bridge MAG. Image

Chocolate and Easter remain the perfect match with 2024 Easter month set to have been the top chocolate selling month of the year worldwide.
According to medical researchers, Raw, Organic cold – pressed chocolate is composed of the most important vitamins for human health all in one food, containing over 88% of antioxidants needed by our bodies.
Both food and beauty consumers continue to splash cash on …

Art and Culture »

[ 27 Mar 2024 | 4 Comments | 12,584 views]
Cette saison, dans sa catégorie Art et Culture, The Bridge Magazine rend hommage au cinéma et sensibilise sur son importance capitale, sur sa contribution au patrimoine humain. Notre éditorial montre aux lecteurs comment, en transcrivant des problèmes réels de la vie des humains sur écran, les films classiques ont façonné la conscience humaine et continuent de le faire sur tous les sujets. The Bridge MAG. Image

C’est avec une grande tristesse que notre éditorial découvre que l’industrie cinématographique est devenue un art en voie de disparition à une époque où elle devrait être considérée comme l’épine dorsale de la culture générale à travers le monde.

C’est dommage qu’il y ait une pénurie de films classiques, de chefs-d’œuvre emblématiques et de profondeur dans la structure créative et les compétences cinématographiques mises en œuvre …