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Articles in the High-Profile People Category

Authority and credibility are essential in journalism. The Bridge Magazine relies on leading lights in their fields to give their expert opinions on news events, issues and debates

High-Profile People »

[ 27 May 2018 | 2 Comments | 5,459 views]
Nuptialité des tourtereaux royaux. Le prince Harry et sa sublime princesse Meghan Markle. The Bridge MAG. Image

Le prince Harry a épousé récemment  l’Américaine Meghan Markle sous l’œil du monde entier lors d’une fastueuse cérémonie à Windsor.
Pourtant selon un récent sondage, la cote de popularité de la monarchie britannique en Europe et dans le monde est en baisse.
Les medias ressassent inlassablement que l’Américaine est, avec certitude, le premier membre de la famille royale à avoir des origines africaines. De plus, en se …

Featured, High-Profile People »

[ 20 May 2018 | 9 Comments | 11,314 views]
Megan Markle and Prince Harry got married yesterday. “Love recognises no barriers…” Maya Angelo The bride and groom looking splendid together. The Bridge MAG. Image

As Megan Markle and Prince Harry got married yesterday, survey feedback opinion on British Monarchy popularity in Europe and worldwide has declined.
The royal wedding is too media-saturated to ignore. However, the mainstream broadcasting media and newspapers were mostly busy focusing on irrelevant details such as Megan Markle’s ethnic origins.

Maya Angelou on love once said: “Love recognises no barriers…”
It appears that the British monarchy is making …